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Decks & More professional smiling

Frank Pologruto

President & Founder

After graduating from high school in 1989, Frank Pologruto served in the U.S. Army for six years. He earned the rank of E-5 sergeant and received an honorable discharge. He then attended and graduated from Towson University in Maryland.

In January 1999, Pologruto moved to Atlanta and in 2000 he made an entrepreneurial leap to start his own business, Decks and More. The business was incorporated in August 2001.

“Those early years taught me a lot about dedication, hard work, and discipline,” says Pologruto. “However, I must give credit to my faith, father, friends, and family. Without them, I would not be where I am today. Our commitment to excellence and going the extra mile has blessed Decks and More. The company’s motto is: We listen to the people we serve and serve them well.”

Now in its 18th year of business, Decks and More has completed more than 900 remodeling jobs and earned more than 40 major design and contractor awards. Since 2010, Decks and More has donated more than $250,000 to area churches and charities.

We look forward to serving you and your family with your next remodeling project. Thank you for your support!

We Want to Create Your Outdoor Oasis and Relaxing Retreat

  • We’re Creative
  • We’re Passionate
  • We’re Rock Solid

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